9:30 am
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
10:30 am
Open Sew Tuesday
Open Sew Tuesday
9:00 am
Bernina Stitchwise Event - Qmatic Explorations
Bernina Stitchwise Event - Qmatic Explorations
1:30 pm
Bernina Stitchwise Event - Start Smart Free Motion Workshop
Bernina Stitchwise Event - Start Smart Free Motion Workshop
10:00 am
Bernina Stitchwise Event - The Ultimate Bernina
Bernina Stitchwise Event - The Ultimate Bernina
2:00 pm
Bernina Stitchwise Event - The Ultimate Bernina
Bernina Stitchwise Event - The Ultimate Bernina
10:00 am
Bernina Sewing Mastery Class - IN STORE
Bernina Sewing Mastery Class - IN STORE
1:00 pm
Glorious Summer Virtual Lecture
Glorious Summer Virtual Lecture
3:00 pm
Bernina Sewing Mastery Class VIRTUAL
Bernina Sewing Mastery Class VIRTUAL
1:00 pm
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Heaveyweight Heros In Store
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Heaveyweight Heros In Store
1:00 pm
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Heaveyweight Heros VIRTUAL
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Heaveyweight Heros VIRTUAL
9:30 am
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
1:00 pm
V9 Creator Mastery Class (VIRTUAL)
V9 Creator Mastery Class (VIRTUAL)
12:00 pm
Sunflower Quilt by Pickle Pie Designs
Sunflower Quilt by Pickle Pie Designs
10:30 am
Open Sew Wednesday
Open Sew Wednesday
10:30 am
V9 Creator Mastery Class (In Store)
V9 Creator Mastery Class (In Store)
11:00 am
Glorious Summer BOM In-Store Lecture
Glorious Summer BOM In-Store Lecture
9:30 am
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
1:00 pm
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Mastering Metallics In Store
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Mastering Metallics In Store
1:00 pm
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Mastering Metallics VIRTUAL
Wonderfil Thread Fest - Mastering Metallics VIRTUAL
10:30 am
Designing a Quilt Label
Designing a Quilt Label
10:30 am
Open Sew Thursday
Open Sew Thursday
10:30 am
Bernina & Bernette Embroidery Mastery
Bernina & Bernette Embroidery Mastery
12:00 pm
Free Standing Gingerbread House of Any Type Kick Off!
Free Standing Gingerbread House of Any Type Kick Off!
9:30 am
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
9:30 am
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
Facebook Live - Gabbing with the Gals at TFQS
10:00 am
Closed to spend time with family
Closed to spend time with family
10:00 am
Black Friday - We are open - shop our deals!
Black Friday - We are open - shop our deals!
10:30 am
Open Sew Friday
Open Sew Friday